Pi Delta Phi
The national French Honor Society, Eckerd College Chapter
Chapter 406, Pi Psi, est. 2019
Pi Delta Phi is the National French Honor Society. It is the highest academic honor in the field of French. It recognizes outstanding scholarship in the French language and Francophone literatures, increases the knowledge and appreciation for the cultural contributions of the French-speaking world, and encourages French and francophone cultural activities.
Photos from the November 22, 2019 installation and induction ceremony
Pi Delta Phi Membership Requirements and Information
These are the following eligibility requirements for a student to be inducted into the chapter:
Completion of at least one course of upper-division French (i.e. beyond FR 202, or the intermediate-level series of courses)
3.0 GPA in French, 3.3 GPA overall
Sophomore standing (i.e. students have attended at least one year of college and are in at least their second year of university study)
Degree seeking student at Eckerd College
National one-time dues and memberships costs are as follows:
$45.00—Premium Lifetime Regular Membership (includes certificate, pin and one set of cords)
$30.00—Premium Honorary Lifetime Membership (for faculty only: includes certificate, pin and one set of cords)
$35.00—Regular Lifetime Membership (includes certificate and pin only; no cords)
$20.00—Honorary Lifetime Membership (for faculty only: includes certificate and pin only; no cords)
$10.50—Replacement Membership Key/Pin
If you meet the membership requirements and would like to become a member, please email one of the faculty co-moderators: Prof. Kathryn Bastin (bastink@eckerd.edu) or Prof. Ashley Scheu (scheuak@eckerd.edu)
Spring deadline to contact a faculty co-moderator, submit an application, unofficial transcript, and payment: MARCH 15
Photo from Pi Delta Phi Induction ceremony of May 11, 2022.
induction ceremony
New Pi Delta Phi members at Eckerd College will be inducted in April or May of the Spring semester.
Current members of Pi Delta Phi are eligible to apply for generous scholarship opportunities for summer study abroad support in France (Paris and Aix-en-Provence) and in Québec. The Pi Delta Phi scholarships for summer study abroad recognize superior achievement in the study of the French language. The annual awards are designed to enable undergraduate regular members of an active chapter to continue their studies of the French language and of the literatures and cultures of the French speaking world. For more information and an application, see the national Pi Delta Phi website.
NOV. 1—application deadline including all of the required materials (postmarked no later than Nov. 1); Faxed, scanned or digital applications are not accepted. The November 1 deadline is firm; no exceptions.
Prof. Scheu & Prof. Bastin in Montpellier, France, May 2022.
For more information contact:
Co-moderators of Pi Psi Chapter of Pi Delta Phi, Eckerd College:
Prof. Ashley Scheu (scheuak@eckerd.edu) & Prof. Kathryn Bastin (bastink@eckerd.edu)